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Необычные парикмахерские в России. В разных городах России предприниматели-энтузиасты открывают необычные парикмахерские — от детских салонов красоты до клубов в петербургских гостиных, где можно сделать стрижку, поиграть в нарды и отведать блюда веганской кухни и всё это — в одном заведении. Как находят узкие ниши в сфере красоты и развивают в них бизнес, рассказали три предпринимателя. Barbershop Banda.

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How SMEs can exhibit effectively on a budget
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Безумные прически
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Looking around exhibition halls of B2B shows up and down the country, the surroundings are so familiar that you could be anywhere at any point in time — the clothed trestle tables, chairs tucked behind them and a variety of pull-up banners displayed along the back. These opportunities are presented to us to showcase our services so how can an SME stand out at these exhibitions without blowing the events budget? What are you aiming to achieve by being an exhibitor? What added value do you get in comparison to being a regular show visitor? Do you have measurable objectives in terms of the number of leads you hope to gain or is it less tangible — such as raising your business profile or using the event as a PR or marketing exercise? Do this based on your objectives.

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Игра: Hair Mania 2. Безумные прически
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